Learning Golf

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2020


When you see still pictures from great golfers at impact, they all look almost identical. And the impact positions of great golfers is nothing like their setup position.

So often I hear golfers saying they want to return the club to same position it was at address. That's absolutely crazy. And below I have a detailed article that is going to show you why.

This article comes from the That program is a proven, step-by-step program to help you build an effortless, smooth and powerful golf swing, just like a pro. Most of the instructions in this program

can be done indoors at home.

And for a very limited time you can get The Long Game Mastery program on special, saving you over 75%! Plus, that offer comes with 5 great golf improvement bonuses for free! You can see the details of this amazing special offer by going here


Ok, now here is a sample from this Long Game Mastery step-by-step program...

The Secret Of Tour Quality Impact Alignments
from The Long Game Mastery Program

The position you arrive at impact in is the result of all the positions that went before. You can't contrive a great impact position.

Having said that, there are great golfers that have far less than perfect swing mechanics that arrive at a great impact position.

How does that happen?

Compensations and manipulations.

They have hit so many balls, learnt from trial and error and have great hand-eye coordination, that they can consistently do things with the golf club during the swing that causes them to arrive at the ball in a great impact position, i.e. Lee Trevino, Ray Floyd etc.

And if you look at all great ball strikers at the moment of impact they are all in a very similar position, no matter what they've done to get there.

Now before I tell you what should be happening at impact I want to clear up something very important about the impact position. And that is this:

When you arrive at the impact position you should NOT be in the same position as you were in at address.

A lot of golf teachers teach this but if you look at all the top ball strikers at impact this simply does not happen. For example....

So the first thing we're going to have a look at in regards to impact is the hands, and more specifically your left hand. In the 1956 April edition of Golf Digest Ben Hogan wrote this:

I've noticed one thing that all good golfers do and all bad golfers do not. The good ones have their left wrist leading at impact. It seems a small thing, but I've found it to be universally true. At impact the left wrist of a good player is slightly convex, while that of a poor player is generally concave."

Ben Hogan

And a few minutes ago I said that you should NOT be in a position at impact that is similar to what you were in at address. Remember?

Well, one part of your body that should definitely not be anywhere close to the position it was at address is your hands. Because at impact your left hand should be convex slightly (bent slightly towards the target) and your hands should be quite a bit in front of where they were at address (look at those David Toms pictures above for confirmation of this).

This should happen naturally when you swing, because your hips move well in front of where they were at address due to the great lower body movement during the downswing. But sadly a lot of golfers interfere with this natural action, and instead they try to scoop the ball to help it get up in the air. The result of this is a left hand at impact that is concave. This very weak position with the left hand results in golf shots that lack accuracy, power and penetration.

Important Note:

If most of your irons go much the same distances, e.g. a 3 iron going much the same distance as a 6 iron etc. the reason will be because at impact your left hand is concave.

Now the right hand is the power hand in the golf swing but the left hand is the lead hand and it must control the power applied by your right hand. You can't let your right hand lead the downswing. It must power it but the left hand should always lead it. And when you're a student of mine and learn to hit the ball with your left hand in the position of being convex at impact you'll hit shots with a lot more power and a much better flight trajectory that will add distance to your shots. Not to mention, much greater accuracy too!

Now at impact your right heel should be up off the ground. This is a result of most of your weight (about 90%) being transferred to your left side during the transition and downswing. Also, both of your knees should drive towards the target to help the lower body get through the shot with the most power possible.

Because of all of this your hips should be about 6 inches in front of where they were at setup, and open by about 45 degrees to the target at impact. Now listen up to what I have to say next because this is very important.

Even though your hips should move well towards the target and they should be very open, your head should be in pretty much the same position it was at address. You should not allow your head to move towards the target until well after impact. By doing this it means your lower body is well in front of your upper body which is just the way it should be.

And the reason you want your lower body to make such an aggressive move towards the target and then to open up is to clear the lower body out of the way -- especially the hips, to allow the shoulders and arms a lot of room to swing down forcefully to impact and into the follow-through.

OK, we've covered a lot of detail so here is a pictorial summary of what should be happening at impact from head to toe:

Again, you can't contrive a great impact position in the golf swing. But it's very important to know what it should look like when you get into impact. Also, it's very important that you don't try to get into the same position as you were in at address. The great players don't do that and neither should you.

That was a sample from my Long Game Mastery program that is on a limited time special that you can  see here


Check out what this golfer had to say after completing this program:

After completing this program my golf swing has vastly improved. Playing partners are asking me what I have been doing because my swing looks a lot better and my shots are going further and a lot straighter. I am very happy to have completed this program as I have been guilty of going from one thing to another with very little to show for it.

I am very fanatical about keeping my game stats and I can tell you that since starting and completing this program my scores are on average 7.4 lower than before I started.

The instructions I was given each week were very easy to follow and implement. I have never seen a swing improvement program that has such high quality instruction in it. Thanks for all your help and I look forward to improving other facets of my golf game as much, with your help."

Scott Calso, California, USA

Scott took 9 months to go through this program to get these results. But now, you can get this ENTIRE step-by-step program straight away... at a significant discount.

So if you're really sick and tired of your ball striking inconsistency, then go here to check out this program and get it at an amazing price with lots of gifts thrown in.

==> The Long Game Mastery Program Special
+ 5 Golf Improvement Gifts!

Ok, that's the end of today's tip. I have some more great info coming for you, so look out for some more emails from me.

Have a great week!

(Your signoff here)


🏒🏒Use this drill for Perfect Golf Swing Sequencing🏒🏒


Use this drill for Perfect Golf Swing Sequencing

How To Improve Your Swing Sequencing For More Power In Your Golf Swing

Where do you want the most power and speed in your golf swing?

Not at the start of your swing, not at the top of your backswing, BUT at impact, right?

Well, here's the best drill to help a golfer learn how to have the most power at impact.

Interestingly this drill doesn't involve swinging a golf club but instead you will be swinging a rope. The beauty of this drill is you get instant feedback if the power in your golf swing is NOT at impact.

Because if you have a lot of power at the end of your swing you'll get hurt. So because we human beings learn quickly to avoid pain, when you do this drill you'll quickly learn how to apply the most power to the golf ball. This will result in a lot longer golf shots. So, to do this drill you'll need to get a fairly thick piece of rope that is about 3 and half feet in length like the one pictured below.

A good place to find a thick enough rope is a boat shop or a hardware store. Once you've got your rope then also need some duct tape. This is to put around one end of the rope where you're going to be holding the rope like a golf club and then a smaller amount down the other end, as is pictured below.

After your rope is ready then setup to an imaginary ball with your rope.

From your setup position make your normal backswing move with your body. But here's a tip - you should start your backswing with the big muscles of your back and shoulders to get the rope moving away smoothly. Once you get into your final backswing position then STOP so the rope is resting on your back.

Then from this top of the swing position you then need to start your downswing. To do this you must:

  • Start your downswing by moving your weight from your right foot to your left foot.
  • At the same time move your hips laterally to the left and turn them as fast as you can.

This should all happen very quickly however so you won't be able to easily distinguish the difference between your weight being transferred and your hips moving and turning.

If you don't start the downswing correctly with a weight shift and a lateral shift and turn of the hips you will get hurt doing this rope drill. The rope will come through very fast at the finish of your swing and hit you - and that will hurt. But it's great feedback and you'll probably only do it once!

To make sure this doesn't happen however make sure you don't do anything with your hands after they've reached the top of the swing position. Your hands are simply pulled through the downswing by your powerful lower body. Also do nothing with your shoulders and arms. Because like the hands they are moved as a result of your lower body movements.

There should be no conscious thoughts as to how to move them in the downswing, or follow-through for that matter. And when you do this drill correctly the rope will lightly tap you at the end of your swing. It won't hurt you at all.


Because with the correct transition from the backswing to your downswing the majority of the power in your swing is generated at the bottom of your swing - which is just where it should be.

At the end of your swing the rope should be moving very slowly as it should have very little power. That's why this is such a great drill because you learn to use your body to get the club moving the fastest just where it needs to....through the ball.

Now even though I've given you a thorough explanation of how to do this drill you can't beat actually seeing it performed to get a full understanding of what I'm talking about. So to do that...click here to get a program where you can see a video of this rope drill being performed by golfers along with a complete program to help you build a golf swing like a pro.

The Transition Needed For Much Longer Drives


The Transition Needed For Much Longer Drives

Hi ,

Below I have a free sample article from the Long Game Mastery Program.

That program is a proven, step-by-step program to help you build an effortless, smooth and powerful golf swing, just like a pro. And most of the instructions in this program can be done inside at home.

For a very limited time there's an amazing special on this program, along with 5 great golf improvement bonuses! You can see the details of this amazing special offer by going here


Just so you know...

The Long Game Mastery program consists of 34 lessons, over 250 pictures and over 52 videos. But this program is not a bunch of random tips thrown together, which a lot of other golf websites seem to be offering.


This program starts at the grip in lesson 1, and gives you one new thing each lesson, given in a systematic order, so that by the end of the 34th lesson you will have a great golf swing that you can rely on for...

  • More Distance

  • Improved Accuracy

  • Greater Ball Striking Consistency

This program is the most systematic way for you to build a great golf swing... like a pro. It walks you through everything needed for you to create a great, professional quality golf swing.

Up until this point, golfers that have been through this program have been drip fed one new lesson each week... taking a total of 9 months to go through this entire program at a cost of up to $333.

But now you can get ALL 34 lessons, plus 5 great bonuses for a HUGE discount. However this amazing offer is only available for a limited time.

So if you're serious about building yourself a great golf swing that will have you hitting the ball straighter and longer more consistently, you need to check this out. Go here to see the amazing offer you can now get by going here....

==>The Long Game Mastery Program Special
+ 5 Golf Improvement Gifts!


Ok, now here is a sample from this step-by-step program...

Transition For Longer Drives
 from The Long Game Mastery Program

The transition is the START of you finding amazing power in your golf swing, that you never thought existed or was even possible!

And this amazing power will come with much greater accuracy too. So if you're still suffering with a fade/slice or any other directional problem, the next 7 lessons are going to be of huge help to you.

Now hearing this may give you the impression that the backswing lessons you've been following have been of little value.

But that could not be further from the truth.

Because if that was true you'd have professional golfers simply setting up to a ball, lifting the club up and positioning it perfectly at the top of the backswing, and swinging down from this perfect top of the backswing position.

Of course that doesn't happen and never will.


Because it's the transition from the backswing to the downswing where the majority of the power in the golf swing comes from. And the better your backswing the easier it is to make a great transition to the downswing -- giving you more power and accuracy!

You see, everything you've done until this point has been setting the stage for the transition. And what separates the great ball strikers from the average ones is the quality of the transition.

So for you to become a great ball striker this is one aspect of your golf swing that you're going to have to really spend some time practicing. But remember, the pay off for doing this is huge i.e....

Longer and More Accurate Golf Shots!

Now like everything where only a small percentage are successful, the great ball strikers have spent a lot of practice time perfecting their transition from backswing to downswing.

And to be completely honest with you, the transition is the hardest move in the golf swing to perfect.

The reason for this is obvious.

During your swing, for a brief second your upper body should be completing the backswing while your lower body is starting to move towards the target. So to complete the transition successfully you should have two main segments of your body (upper and lower) going in different directions.

I know that sounds hard....and that's because it is! :-)

But it's doable and I'm going to show you how you're going to learn this in the following lessons.

And when you "get it" you're going to get so much more enjoyment from this game due to the extra distance and accuracy you'll gain...you're going to love it!

Now if you've ever taken part in any other sport that requires kicking (e.g. soccer), throwing (e.g. baseball), hitting (e.g. tennis) you would've experienced the transition move that is needed in the golf swing. And one move that almost every one can relate a transition to is the action of throwing a ball.

So if you wanted to throw a golf ball as far as you possibly could down the fairway would you?:

a) shift your weight to your back foot as you're taking the ball back and then shift the weight to your front foot to throw the ball,


b) keep your weight evenly distributed the entire time you're throwing the ball.

I hope you picked "A" because that's what any athlete would do to throw a ball as far and fast as possible.

Just take a look at a baseball pitcher for example. When they pitch they move their weight to the back foot. And they do this so much so that they lift their front foot up high.

Then to change directions they shift their weight aggressively to their front foot and keep moving all of their weight so that at the end of the pitch basically all of their weight is on their front foot.

Now that's a great example of a powerful transition!

And if baseball pitchers didn't shift their weight back and forth so much they could not do the fast pitches that they do. That example of the baseball pitcher leads nicely into this drill, as you'll soon see.

During the transition from backswing to downswing you must let the club follow the lead from the rest of the body because the club is the last thing to move in the transition. Here is the sequential order of things that should be moving back towards the target during the transition:

1. Feet

2. Legs

3. Hips

4. Shoulders

5. Arms

6. Club

So when your club is just about at the top of your backswing you want to then start transferring the weight aggressively back to your left foot. By doing this it means that for a fraction of a second your backswing is being completed but your lower body is moving towards the target.

Again, this transition happens from the ground up. And in today's lesson you're going to discover a great drill that will help you to learn the correct weight transfer during the transition.

When you do....watch out! You're going to find some serious power in your swing.

That was a sample from the Long Game Improvement program that is on special that you can  see here


Check out what this golfer had to say after completing this program:

"After completing this program my golf swing has vastly improved. Playing partners are asking me what I have been doing because my swing looks a lot better and my shots are going further and a lot straighter. I am very happy to have completed this program as I have been guilty of going from one thing to another with very little to show for it.

I am very fanatical about keeping my game stats and I can tell you that since starting and completing this program my scores are on average 7.4 lower than before I started.

The instructions I was given each week were very easy to follow and implement. I have never seen a swing improvement program that has such high quality instruction in it. Thanks for all your help and I look forward to improving other facets of my golf game as much, with your help."

Scott Calso, California, USA

Scott took 9 months to go through this program to get these results. But now, you can get this ENTIRE step-by-step program straight away... at a significant discount.

So if you're really sick and tired of your ball striking inconsistency, then go here to check out this program and get it at an amazing price with lots of gifts thrown in.

==> The Long Game Mastery Program Special
+ 5 Golf Improvement Gifts!

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2020

Impact Secret For Straighter Golf Shots


Impact Secret For Straighter Golf Shots

There's something that pros do at impact to help them hit straighter golf shots, and I want to share that tip with you today.

To help explain this tip I'm going to use Rory McIlroy as an example.

Rory is known as hitting great looking push draws. His trackman numbers are often swinging in to out by 4 degrees and his clubface at impact is about 2 degrees open.

With those numbers his shots start to the right of his target and then draw powerfully back.

But there's something he does at impact to guard against the shot moving too much from right to left, and it's something Ben Hogan used to do as well.

Here's what that one thing is...

Rory at impact often errs towards hitting the ball slightly off the heel. By doing that it allows Rory to go hard at the ball from the inside without fearing that the ball is going to hook. As I said, Ben Hogan did this as well and he wanted to attack the ball from the inside.

Here's a general rule for where you contact the ball on the clubface:

==> The more you strike the ball on the heel, the more it will fade/slice or resist drawing/hooking.

==> The more you strike the ball on the toe, the more it will draw/hook or resist fading/slicing

Now most golfers do not have a problem with hooking the ball too much. And if you don't then something easy you can do to stop your fade/slice is to contact the ball more on the toe of the club. Because by doing that it will help to straighten out a fade/slice.

So how should you go about doing that?

Well, you should do this the complete opposite to what is logical.

The logical way to hit the ball on the toe is to "try" to hit the ball more on the toe of the club. But that is not the best way.

The best way is to learn to hit the ball all over the face.

See, this is all about clubface control. If I tell you to hit a shot out of a certain place on the clubface and you can, then you have clubface control. And that means, if for your normal shot you want to err on the side of hitting the toe, then you'll be able to do this.

Make sense?

To practice this you need some Dr. Scholls foot spray or something similar, and spray that on say your 5 iron. Then simply hit balls and try to hit the ball all over the face. So on one shot try to hit the ball off the toe. For the next shot try to hit it off the heel. Then the next shot try to hit it out of the middle. If you're feeling adventurous you can take this exercise to the next level and try to hit the ball right off the very toe of the clubface and off the heel. A shank in other words. :-)

So there you go... in summary, if you want to reduce your fade or slice then get good at hitting shots off the toe of the clubface.

Of course, that is not going to completely solve your ball striking problems and help you to hit consistent draws like Rory McIlroy. To help you do that however, you can use...

The Pro Draw System

The Pro Draw System

That is a 17 day step-by-step program that will get you hitting professional looking draws in the quickest possible time.

Look, this system takes all of the confusion out of hitting a draw, and giving you an "easy button".

With this simple system that you can get here, you'll learn how to hit a powerful, accurate draw and add 17 ñ 27 yards to your tee shots in just 17 days!

OR you get your money back!

This program consists of a 196 page PDF plus 11 videos, so you'll know exactly what you should be doing each day. If you want to once and for all hit consistent, powerful draws like a pro, then you'll want to get this new program now.

The Pro Draw System

The price on this, along with my iron-clad guarantee, makes this a no-brainer if you want to hit shots that look powerful and feel great.

Not to mention the extra distance you'll pick up by hitting a pro draw.... and the looks on your playing partners faces with your new ball flight will be "priceless".

If you've lost distance due to age you will most certainly want to get The Pro Draw System now, because a draw goes a lot further than a fade/slice.

==> Go here to get The Pro Draw System On Special Now!

The Pro Draw System

4 Reasons Why You Slice The Ball


4 Reasons Why You Slice The Ball

 4 Reasons Why You Slice The Ball

If you often hit a slice there will be 4 reasons why you do this.

The first reason will be because you setup to slice the ball. Most probably you have a weak grip, you have the ball positioned too far forward in your stance and you are aimed to the left.

Poor setup would be the number 1 reason why golfers slice the ball!

Almost all golfers who suffer with a slice problem try to fix it by changing their swing. But what they don't understand is that their swing is largely determined by how they setup. So they can try swing changes all they want, but without changing the setup they are just putting a band-aid on the problem. And you know what happens to band-aids after a while.... they fall off!

The next biggest reason why golfers slice the ball is because they swing from out-to-in. This causes the ball to start to the left of the target.

Look, if you want to fix your slice then you have to force yourself to start the ball to the right of the target. There are simple ways that you can do this, like I teach in this system, but it really comes down to you biting the bullet and accepting some bad shots for a while until you can start the ball consistently to the right of the target.

The next big reason why golfers suffer with a slice problem, is because they contact the ball with an open clubface.

The fact is... if you contact the ball with an open clubface and an out-to-in clubhead path, the only thing that can happen is the ball will start to the left of your target and then slice.

This naturally costs you a lot of distance and accuracy.

So to fix this you need to work on approaching the ball from the inside and then contacting the ball with a slightly closed clubface. It's really not that tough.... when you know how to do it.

The final reason why golfers suffer with a slice problem is because the equipment they're using promotes a slice. And the main culprit of this is the club shaft. Most amateur golfers have a club shaft that is too stiff. It's important that you get fitted with golf clubs, rather than buying clubs off the shelf.

Now the order that I recommend golfers work through in this system when fixing a slice, is to start at the setup...then work on the swing. And the best way to work on the swing is not to try to get into positions, but rather to use drills. But you need specific drills in a certain order to fix your slice. Otherwise you'll find that you think you have fixed your slice, when in fact you haven't.

But whether you get a proven system like this to fix your slice, or you go it alone....you must go through this process to fix it:

1. Setup to the ball to encourage a draw/hook.

2. Swing from the inside.

3. Contact the ball with a slightly closed clubface.

4. Have equipment that encourages a draw ball flight.

For a complete, proven step-by-step system to help you hit consistent draws in just 17 days go here:

The Pro Draw System

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2020

One Strange Tip For Longer Drives


One Strange Tip For Longer Drives 

 There's one aspect of your setup that has a BIG influence on the distance you hit your shots. And that one part is...


 So in this article I'm going to give you a great, simple way to help you improve your alignment and consequently hit longer golf shots.

 To do this golf alignment exercise setup to a golf shot as normal and get comfortable. Then just before you're ready to hit your shot, get two golf balls and without moving your feet place them directly behind your heels so they're touching your feet. 

Now take your feet away and go back behind your ball down the line of your target and see how good your alignment was. 
 The beauty of doing this golf alignment exercise is that it shows you exactly where you are aligning your feet and then you can simply change the golf balls so they align correctly and then setup with these balls touching your heels.

 If your feet have been aligned incorrectly for a while then it will feel quite strange when you align them correctly. But keep practicing and before long, your new feet golf alignment will become second nature.

 You'll hit longer shots...and straighter too! For more great tips like this to help you hit the ball further along with a complete program designed specifically by a sports scientist to help you swing faster and hit the ball further go to consistentgolf.com

How To Load Up Like A Spring In Your Backswing For Longer Drives


 How To Load Up Like A Spring In Your Backswing For Longer Drives 

 To get the most power in your backswing you... ...need to wind your shoulders up as much as possible against your hips, which should be restricted in their turn. 

 The more torque you create between your shoulders and hips, the more power and distance you'll get. Now your backswing should start with your big muscles, namely your shoulders, arms, hands etc. and your hips should not move for as long as possible.

 Once your shoulders and arms get to a certain point your hips will have to move, but again this should happen as a result of your shoulder turn and not before. Your shoulders should always turn more than your hips and for this to happen you must start your backswing first with your shoulders until they pull the hips to a start.

 This is nothing that you want to consciously do but something, which you can train to happen, and here's how.... Grip halfway down the shaft of a club with the butt-end resting against your sternum, and move your arms and shoulders as far as you can without turning your hips.

 That is the point in your golf swing when your hips should start turning, not before. Another good way to rehearse the correct turning sequence is to sit in a chair and swing your arms and turn your shoulders as far as you can. 

Eventually there comes a point where your hips won't let you turn any further - this will vary depending on your flexibility - and again that would be the point in your golf swing when the hips should begin to turn. 

 Your shoulders must move faster than your hips as you start your backswing because they have further to turn. And for your shoulders and hips to be in sync you must do what has been described because otherwise if you let your hips turn too soon in your backswing you'll be all out of sync in your backswing and the rest of your swing will be history. 

 For more great tips like this to help you hit the ball further along with a complete program designed specifically by a sports scientist to help you swing faster and hit the ball further go to 


Added up to 30 yards of distance on his driver...

"I want to thank you for your great program.  Several years ago I was a 4 handicapper but had to quit playing golf when I lost my job.  This year I recently started playing again and decided that I was going to change my swing utilizing your information.  I have already added between 10 - 15 yards on most of my irons and up to 30 yards on my driver.  I am already back breaking 80 on a regular basis and look forward to getting much lower with your help. Thanks again."

Rob Vojvoda, USA

Used To Be Shortest Off The Tee But Now Outdrives His Playing Partners...

"I used to have the shortest drive in our foursome. The only time I could out drive them was when they hit a really poor drive and I just happen to hit a really good one. As the weeks passed, my buddies noticed that I was getting "longer" . And you know what? I now out drive all of them at least 50% of the time even when they hit a good drive. My buddies were all surprised and even predicted that it won't be long before I really out drive them. They're already panicking. I'm not stopping here. I'm continuing your program. Your frequent tips also helped me a lot. Thanks again. I'm a fan of yours."

Andy Pages , Philippines
